The fresh herbal aroma of the golden honey-colored infusion and its light floral aftertaste will help you obtain balance and discover new facets of your talents.

  • Large-leaf tea with a bright and mild taste
  • The antioxidant action of catechins
  • The natural power of imperial ginseng
  • The perfect balance of energy and tranquility


  • Increases stamina and brain activity
  • Strengthens the body’s protective functions
  • Stimulates the cleansing of waste and toxins
  • Accelerates metabolism and fat burning
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity
  • Strengthens the digestive tract and liver
  • Normalizes blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels
  • Improves memory and concentration
  • Improves mood and sleep
  • Protects against stress and depression
  • Improves skin, nails and hair condition. Eco-friendly environment: the imperial ginseng is grown in the Changbaishan mountains at a UNESCO reserve.


Green tea, imperial ginseng extract.

green tea
ginseng extract


Cover the contents of 1 sachet with 100 ml of hot water.


Store in a cool, dry place, closed for 2 years from the date of production.

purple cup with moccachino

This tea seems to be specially made for cozy friendly conversations or a philosophical retreat. With each sip, you'll feel your consciousness clear up, emotions subside, focus and concentration arrive, and the harmony of desires and actions establishing itself.