


The record-holder in terms of the volume of ginsenosides. A source of neuro-nutrition and natural energy. A rare natural adaptogen, immunomodulator, and antioxidant. Are you sure you know everything about ginseng and its capabilities?

Some properties of white imperial ginseng:

  • Reduces glucose levels and improves metabolism
  • Improves cognitive abilities during prolonged mental activities
  • Promotes rejuvenation
  • Stabilizes one’s mental state
  • Supports the cardiovascular system
  • Is a source of energy
  • Neutralizes the effects of toxins
  • Stimulates sexual function
  • Relieves pain and inflammation in joints
  • Launches active remineralization of bone tissue

And that's not everything this little root can do!


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"The tiger is the king of forest animals. The dragon is the king of sea animals. The king of forest plants is ginseng," - how our brand's main component was described in ancient Chinese books.

We invite you to study the results of scientific research on the benefits of white imperial ginseng. You will learn all the secrets of the root of life.

It's time not only to take care of your body with maximum benefit and comfort but to also master new knowledge about our products!

Ginseng consumption and risk of cancer: a meta-analysis

According to research by scientists from the Middle Kingdom involving 334,544 participants, consumption of products containing ginseng reduces the risk of developing cancer by 16%.

Ginseng fights cancer through anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and apoptotic mechanisms that affect gene expression and stop tumor growth. Products containing white imperial ginseng can be used as a natural remedy for cancer prevention.

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Antifatigue effects of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

At the Liver and Immunology Research Center in South Korea, the natural properties of ginseng were studied, and its ability to reduce fatigue and increase brain activity was proven. About a hundred patients with chronic fatigue syndrome participated in a placebo-controlled study, which was divided into two groups during the experiment: some received ginseng supplements, and others a placebo. As a result, respondents who took ginseng said that their condition had noticeably improved - they had more physical and mental strength, while the indicators of those taking a placebo did not change.

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Single doses of Panax ginseng reduce blood glucose levels and improve cognitive performance during sustained mental activity

Researchers from the Human Cognitive Neuroscience Unit at Northumbria University in the UK discovered that ginseng consumption reduces glucose levels and improves cognitive abilities during prolonged mental activity.

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Gut Microbiota: Therapeutic Targets of Ginseng Against Multiple Disorders and Ginsenoside Transformation

How does ginseng affect the intestinal microbiota? The intestinal microbiota performs many functions: it protects against intestinal infections, produces vitamins, and participates in the absorption of minerals. A group of scientists from China conducted a study on the effect of white imperial ginseng on the gastrointestinal tract.

The valuable substances in the plant normalize intestinal function, increase the energy value of food and prevent a number of life-threatening pathologies.

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Effects of Panax ginseng supplementation on muscle damage and inflammation after uphill treadmill running in humans

Does ginseng consumption affect muscle damage and inflammation after treadmill running in humans? Korean scientists have set out to find the answer.

Eighteen students were randomly assigned to either a white ginseng or placebo group. All subjects performed a high-intensity hill treadmill running task. Group 1 took 20 g of ginseng extract daily, while Group 2 took 200 ml of water containing agastachys herb on the same day.

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You can always find more scientific research on white imperial ginseng in this section:

Clinical efficacy of Korean red ginseng for erectile dysfunction
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Red ginseng for treating erectile dysfunction: a systematic review
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Wisconsin Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) to improve cancer-related fatigue: a randomized, double-blind trial, N07C2
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Red ginseng abrogates oxidative stress via mitochondria protection mediated by LKB1-AMPK pathway
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The Uroprotective Efficacy of Total Ginsenosides in Chinese Ginseng on Chemotherapy with Cyclophosphamide
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